

A cookie is a small data file that is stored on the computer within the browser when certain pages are visited. The cookie does not contain or collect information by itself but, when read by a server through a browser, it can provide information to allow a more functional service, for example by identifying errors. Cookies do not damage your computer and the use of this site does not involve the storage of personally identifiable information.
To fully enjoy the functionality of this website you will need to enable cookies. If you do not wish to enable cookies, you can still browse the site. However, some of its features may be limited. Most browsers have cookies enabled automatically.
This information is provided in order to comply with the legislation in force and to ensure honesty and transparency regarding the privacy of users.

We use three types of cookies:

Session cookies, which are automatically deleted after each visit.
Permanent cookies, which remain over the course of several visits to the site.
Third-party cookies, which are used by partner websites that are embedded or called up with a link on our site.

Session cookies
They allow you to take advantage of essential site features, such as remembering the content of a form field that is repeated within a browsing session. In addition, they allow you to limit the need to transmit information via the internet. They are not stored on the computer and expire when the browsing session is terminated.
Permanent cookies
They allow to recognize anonymous visitors who return to visit the site. By assigning them an anonymous and randomly generated identifier, it is possible to keep a record of specific navigation information, such as how to arrive on the site, the pages viewed, the options selected and the path within the site. By monitoring this information, we are able to make improvements to the site, for example by correcting errors and improving the content. We use Google Analytics to analyze the use of the page, the interaction between pages and the paths taken within the site. These data are called “gauges” or “elements for website analysis”. As part of this process, we do not record personal information.
Third party cookies
If you visit a web page with embedded content, for example from Facebook or YouTube, these sites may send you cookies. We cannot control the generation of these cookies, so it is advisable to check individual third-party sites for more information on their cookies and how to manage them.


You can configure your browser to accept or reject all cookies or particular types of cookies (such as third-party cookies) or you can choose to be notified whenever a cookie is set on your computer.

Below are the instructions relating to the most popular browsers for the purpose of making a personalized configuration about cookies:

Microsoft Internet Explorer

  1. click on “Tools” at the top of the browser window;
  2. select “Internet Options”;
  3. click on the “Privacy” tab;
  4. to activate cookies, the privacy level must be set to “Medium” or below;
  5. by setting the privacy level above “Medium”, the use of cookies will be disabled.

Google Chrome

  1. click the menu icon;
  2. select “Settings”;
  3. at the bottom of the page, select “Show advanced settings”;
  4. in the “Privacy” section, select “Content settings”;
  5. select or not the item “Block sites from setting data”.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. click on “Tools” at the top of the browser window;
  2. select “Options”;
  3. select the “Privacy” icon;
    click on “Cookies”;
  4. select whether or not the items “Accept cookies from sites” and “Accept third-party cookies”;

Apple Safari

  1. click on the “Safari” label at the top of the browser window;
  2. select the “Preferences” option;
    click on “Privacy”;
  3. set your choice under “Cookies and website data”.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide you with an equally fast method for deleting third-party cookies as, technically, this is only possible by using the appropriate browser cleaning features.